Friday, May 31, 2013

Namatanai - Part 5 Sleep, Spiders, Lizards, and Earthquakes

I’ve been known to talk in my sleep and occasionally I even go for a stroll and do silly things like collect picture frames from around the house, have a snack, or curl up on the bathroom rug only to wake up wondering why I soberly chose to sleep on the bathroom floor.  Unfortunately for Belinda, she got to experience my sleeping habits first hand.  Let me preface this story with a few crucial details.  Their house is surrounded by a chain link fence that has barbed wire at the top and the entrance/exit is locked with a pad lock each night.  When people do come to the house they either tap on the fence with a key making a loud noise or yell “Doctor, Belinda, Doctor, Belinda” from the gate until one of them comes out.  Now, onto the story.  About 2am one night I wake to Belinda yelling “Name belong you?” about 7 octaves higher than her normal voice and then it registers someone’s knocking on the door which is why she’s asking in Pigin who’s there.  Then, it dawns on me that I’m sitting up in bed knocking on the wall.  With Belinda continuing to ask “Name belong you?” in a panicked voice I, still half asleep, realize I need to tell her it’s me.  It took me a moment to consider how to tell her it’s me so she stops freaking out but I can’t stop knocking because that would require doing two things at once, which was impossible in my half-conscious stupor.  I can’t just yell “it’s me” because that means nothing and she still wont know who it is so I decided on “It’s me, Tawny.”  Belinda thought I was offering to answer the door making her even more panicked.  At this point I’ve informed her I’m the one knocking and can now direct my focus toward stopping my hand from pounding on the wall.  I then clarify I’m the one knocking and no one has breached the secure premises and we’re all safe.  Since then, “Name belong you?” has become a running joke and I can’t ask anyone what their name is without hearing Belinda in a very high pitched, alarmed tone ask “Name belong you?”  Melanie was fortunate enough to sleep through all of this.  Lucky lady.

Belinda, with the help of Melanie, got me back.  Well, after their little prank I’m calling it even.  Both girls were outside with the pig watching it run around the yard and I was in the house keeping busy.  I didn’t realize they’d come inside until I heard them calling me to come into the bathroom.  For whatever reason I thought they’d brought the pig in side and it was in the bath.  A weird thing to think, I know, but for whatever reason I the 2 seconds I had to think about it that was the reason I came up with to explain why they were both in the bathroom and asking me to join.  I walk in and look at the tub.  No pig.  Then, on the outside of the tub I see a GIANT spider.  By far the largest spider I have ever seen in my life.  Of course, whist piddling my pants, I screamed in terror and when Belinda pushed me an inch closer to the spider I screamed some more and then bolted out of the bathroom as fast as I could while they both laughed hysterically.  They then left the bathroom and went on to start cooking dinner WITHOUT REMOVING THE SPIDER as though there weren’t still a giant freaking spider still on the bath tub.  Like any sane person I freaked out about this and begged them to kill it or at the very least take the spider outside.  Belinda refused to touch it and Melanie said the spider was fine and would find it’s way out… uhhh, yeah, after devouring half of my foot in my sleep I’m sure it would let itself out!  The thought of sleeping in the bedroom across the hall from the bathroom where the spider was or anywhere in the house knowing there was a massive spider lurking about calling all it’s homies inviting them to come feast was enough to make me assume the fetal position and start bawling my eyes out.  Ok, so that’s a little dramatic.  I did not assume the fetal position because when I considered it all I could think about was the spider sneaking up on me and having a snack.  I did, however, start bawling my eyes out.  Irrational, I know, but some thing you just can’t be controlled and my irrational fear of spiders is one of them.  I attribute it to my parents allowing me to watch “Arachnophobia” as a small child (point mom and dad).  That’s one of those things you can never come back from.  After a good, long laugh Melanie removed the spider and freed it in the backyard while I remained locked in my room to ensure no funny business with the captured spider occurred.  Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not so much a fan of the arachnids, not in the least bit.  At this point I felt I still owed Belinda a good scare, but I was willing to agree to a truce. 

It only has 7 legs... my mom pointed that out to me

A 20 Kina note is the same size as a dollar bill...
just so you know exactly how big this beast was

I stuck to my truce, however, the universe conspired against Belinda by means of a terrified gecko.  The cat proudly came into the house to show off the lizard she’d just caught.  Of course, her 2 moms and auntie were not so proud of this.  Once the cat realized she was about to lose her prize she darted off down the hall and into Belinda’s room.  I grabbed the kitty and freed the gecko, which then proceeded to find a hiding spot in Belinda’s room in hopes of evading the cat.  Belinda used a cloth to pick up the gecko and carefully took it outside.  When she attempted to free the gecko onto the banister it jumped onto her and ran up her shirt toward her face causing a shreek that was similar to the one that escape me when I saw the spider.   This sent me into a fit of laughter and I of course, reenacted the event and laughed some more before picking up the gecko and putting it in the yard.  I feel like we’re even now.

I also had another scare that came in the form of an earthquake.  I have never experienced an earthquake before.  I was sitting in the house on my computer when the entire house started shaking.  I thought this to be quite curious so I walked out into the front yard and inquired about the shaking house.  Melanie and Belinda both informed me it was an earthquake (I’m a little slow at time) and not to go back inside. 

And there you have it, I lived through my own attack on the house I was staying in, a giant spider, and an earthquake.  It’s pretty dangerous stuff here in PNG but I like to live life on the wild side.

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